Philly Goat Project’s program will be begin at 12pm at the Barn and include optional goat walks, discussion and reflection. It starts right on time, check this website and PGP’s social media for weather related changes. All people, all ages and stages of grief are welcome. You do not need to share, you can just be with us. This program is free and takes place quarterly, every season. Loss and grief is always part of life, even during the spring. You are not alone. Our program is led by Grief Coach Naila Francis from This Hallowed Wilderness who will help us explore the various ways we hold grief and loss in our lives. We will have light refreshments for attendees at the end and a fire pit, you may also stay and visit in our Grief Garden. FREE, come as you are, no registration needed. All ages are welcome. Text or call PGP with any questions: 215-703-8057. Rain Date is Sunday April 14th from 12-2, please check the website and social media for updates.